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Hacker News (2021)

  1. Staying Out of TTL Hell

    125 points • comment • mar 10, 2021

  2. Phil's Old Radios

    125 points • comment • may 27, 2021

  3. Fzf – the basics part 1 – layout

    125 points • comment • feb 03, 2021

  4. Latency Sneaks Up on You

    125 points • comment • aug 27, 2021

  5. China’s $4k electric cars tap huge market Tesla can’t reach

    125 points • comment • mar 11, 2021

  6. Intel to disable TSX by default on more CPUs with new microcode

    125 points • comment • jun 28, 2021

  7. Synth Playground

    125 points • comment • mar 11, 2021

  8. When an Eel Climbs a Ramp to Eat Squid from a Clamp, That’s a Moray

    125 points • comment • jun 22, 2021

  9. Spaceship Earth

    125 points • comment • mar 14, 2021

  10. Why we don’t understand heavier-than-air flight

    125 points • comment • jun 26, 2021

  11. 23andMe to merge with VG Acquisition Corp. to become publicly-traded company

    125 points • comment • feb 05, 2021

  12. Why interruptions are frustrating to developers

    125 points • comment • may 28, 2021

  13. Sex workers explain why the Safe Tech Act will break the internet

    125 points • comment • apr 18, 2021

  14. HTTrack Website Copier – Offline browser

    125 points • comment • jul 10, 2021

  15. Mastering Real-Time Strategy Games with Deep RL: Mere Mortal Edition

    125 points • comment • mar 24, 2021

  16. The evolution of Smalltalk: from Smalltalk-72 through Squeak (2020)

    125 points • comment • jun 17, 2021

  17. Compiler Class

    125 points • comment • feb 09, 2021

  18. Designing a better strcpy

    125 points • comment • jun 17, 2021

  19. Cgit, Nginx and Gitolite: A Personal Git Server

    125 points • comment • jan 21, 2021

  20. Ford Hires Away Executive Leading Apple’s Car Project

    125 points • comment • sep 07, 2021

  21. Buildings made with fungi could live, grow, and then biodegrade

    125 points • comment • mar 26, 2021

  22. Cwtch: Decentralized, privacy-preserving, multi-party messaging protocol

    125 points • comment • jun 26, 2021

  23. Show HN: Nettu Scheduler – A self-hosted calendar and scheduler server

    125 points • comment • mar 29, 2021

  24. AI Recognises Race in Medical Images

    125 points • comment • sep 14, 2021

  25. Google showing animated ships when searching “ever given”

    125 points • comment • mar 29, 2021

  26. A Bit Overcomplicated

    125 points • comment • aug 05, 2021

  27. Someone in the Kalahari Collected Crystals 105,000 Years Ago

    125 points • comment • apr 01, 2021

  28. End of an Era: NTSC Finally Goes Dark in America

    125 points • comment • jul 15, 2021

  29. Signal increased limits for group calls

    125 points • comment • jan 12, 2021

  30. You can be shy and still be a CEO

    125 points • comment • jul 29, 2021

  31. The Secret Life of Components: Springs [video]

    125 points • comment • apr 23, 2021

  32. IRCv3

    125 points • comment • may 19, 2021

  33. Major Incident at Fastly

    125 points • comment • jan 12, 2021

  34. Trinidadian fishers film ‘half-hearted’ oil spill clean-up

    125 points • comment • aug 13, 2021

  35. The Essence operating system at Handmade Seattle 2021 [video]

    125 points • comment • nov 29, 2021

  36. Twenty percent of a picture of a dog

    125 points • comment • sep 09, 2021

  37. The Scholarly Pursuit of Shrek

    125 points • comment • dec 20, 2021

  38. Diving Deep on S3 Consistency

    125 points • comment • apr 28, 2021

  39. My 10 Year Side Project Story

    125 points • comment • oct 27, 2021

  40. PipeWire and fixing the Linux Video Capture stack

    125 points • comment • oct 02, 2021

  41. Privacy Redirect: Redirects browser requests to privacy-friendly alternatives

    125 points • comment • oct 18, 2021

  42. How to unlearn a disease

    125 points • comment • jul 15, 2021

  43. United States IPv6 adoption over 50%

    125 points • comment • dec 31, 2021

  44. Supply Chain Shortages Continue Around the World. Get Used to It

    125 points • comment • sep 01, 2021

  45. Patagonia Is Boycotting Facebook, Urges Other Companies to Do the Same

    125 points • comment • oct 29, 2021

  46. Show HN: Cascade Timeline Maker

    125 points • comment • may 25, 2021

  47. Fable is a compiler that brings F# into the JavaScript ecosystem

    125 points • comment • oct 17, 2021

  48. Anthropic AI

    125 points • comment • may 28, 2021

  49. US Should Create Strategy by End of '22 to Reduce Increasing Ocean Plastic Waste

    125 points • comment • dec 02, 2021

  50. Fifteen years of radar reveal Venus’s most basic facts

    125 points • comment • jun 02, 2021

  51. Amazon’s Alexa assistant told a child to do a potentially lethal challenge

    125 points • comment • dec 29, 2021

  52. The Bulky Bears of Fat Bear Week 2021

    125 points • comment • sep 30, 2021

  53. What's the Future of IDEs?

    125 points • comment • nov 22, 2021

  54. CP/M for OS X

    125 points • comment • may 12, 2021

  55. Facebook Makes Us Know Too Much About Each Other

    125 points • comment • nov 02, 2021

  56. How to Start a Novel

    125 points • comment • jun 06, 2021

  57. All Those 23andMe Spit Tests Were Part of a Bigger Plan

    125 points • comment • nov 08, 2021

  58. TheBoard: Collaborative Whiteboard powered by matrix protocol and infrastucture

    125 points • comment • jul 31, 2021

  59. How to Write a Computer Emulator

    125 points • comment • nov 16, 2021

  60. The Eldritch Roots of Dungeons and Dragons

    125 points • comment • aug 08, 2021

  61. UC slams the door on standardized admissions tests, nixing any SAT alternative

    125 points • comment • nov 19, 2021

  62. Cars are about to be a software platform, subscriptions and all

    125 points • comment • may 01, 2021

  63. Hamilton teen embroiled in FBI probe, fingered in $46M cryptocurrency theft

    125 points • comment • nov 24, 2021

  64. x86 assembly doesn’t have to be scary (2018)

    125 points • comment • oct 06, 2021

  65. Science of Slow Cooking

    125 points • comment • oct 22, 2021

  66. The Retrocomputing Archive

    125 points • comment • jul 31, 2021

  67. So you want to write a technical book

    125 points • comment • oct 28, 2021

  68. Typed Programs Don't Leak Data

    125 points • comment • jun 27, 2021

  69. Tried Nvidia’s GTX 1080 – still no external GPU on a Pi

    125 points • comment • may 14, 2021

  70. Open Source OpenGL ES 3.1 on Mali GPUs with Panfrost

    125 points • comment • jun 14, 2021

  71. Sending Emails to Myself

    125 points • comment • oct 10, 2021

  72. A Macro View of Nanite

    125 points • comment • may 31, 2021

  73. I would like closure, but I'll take honesty

    124 points • comment • nov 18, 2021

  74. Moving Avoids California Tax? Not So Fast

    124 points • comment • aug 16, 2021

  75. ItsDangerous

    124 points • comment • dec 17, 2021

  76. Who Were the Romans, Part V: Saving and Losing an Empire

    124 points • comment • aug 02, 2021

  77. Why I stopped releasing EasyOS as an ISO file

    124 points • comment • dec 08, 2021

  78. RVVM – RISC-V Virtual Machine

    124 points • comment • jul 22, 2021

  79. Systems Software Research is Irrelevant (2000) [pdf]

    124 points • comment • dec 28, 2021

  80. Suture: A Ruby gem that helps you refactor your legacy code

    124 points • comment • sep 05, 2021

  81. Facebook Settles with U.S. Gov over Improperly Reserving Jobs for Immigrants

    124 points • comment • oct 19, 2021

  82. A Gentle Introduction to Tensors (2014) [pdf]

    124 points • comment • aug 17, 2021

  83. Back to basics: Writing an application using Go and PostgreSQL

    124 points • comment • nov 22, 2021

  84. Automatically Light Up a Sign When Your Webcam Is in Use

    124 points • comment • aug 27, 2021

  85. How I Got My Brain Back

    124 points • comment • nov 18, 2021

  86. O'Leary: Forced landing in Belarus was 'state-sponsored hijacking'

    124 points • comment • may 24, 2021

  87. Feature comparison of ack, ag, Git-grep, grep and ripgrep

    124 points • comment • oct 24, 2021

  88. Open Tax Solver

    124 points • comment • oct 05, 2021

  89. Wavelets allow researchers to transform and understand data

    124 points • comment • oct 13, 2021

  90. Perceptual distortions in late-teens predict psychotic symptoms in mid-life

    124 points • comment • jul 28, 2021

  91. Keyoxide: A privacy-friendly platform to establish your decentralized identity

    124 points • comment • nov 06, 2021

  92. Voice Assistant for VSCode

    124 points • comment • may 26, 2021

  93. Data-Oriented Architecture (2020)

    124 points • comment • nov 13, 2021

  94. Repairs of leaning San Francisco skyscraper on hold

    124 points • comment • aug 28, 2021

  95. Gotify/server: A simple server for sending and receiving messages in real-time

    124 points • comment • oct 16, 2021

  96. Missile Base for Sale

    124 points • comment • aug 28, 2021

  97. No U PNP

    124 points • comment • nov 27, 2021

  98. LLVM Internals: The Bitcode Format

    124 points • comment • aug 19, 2021

  99. Sudan woke up without Internet

    124 points • comment • oct 26, 2021

  100. “You don't need this overengineered goo for your project.”

    124 points • comment • sep 07, 2021