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Hacker News (Jul 2024)

  1. You got a null result. Will anyone publish it?

    252 points • comment • jul 24, 2024

  2. SAPwned: SAP AI vulnerabilities expose customers' cloud environments and privat

    252 points • comment • jul 17, 2024

  3. Jeffrey Snover and the Making of PowerShell

    250 points • comment • jul 04, 2024

  4. The Origin of Emacs in 1976

    249 points • comment • jul 24, 2024

  5. Do Skis Get Blunt?

    249 points • comment • jul 08, 2024

  6. Show HN: Crawlee for Python – a web scraping and browser automation library

    249 points • comment • jul 09, 2024

  7. Show HN: A source-available billing system I've spent 18 months building

    249 points • comment • jul 22, 2024

  8. Ask HN: Is it possible to make FAANG salaries without working there?

    248 points • comment • jul 23, 2024

  9. A chemist explains the chemistry behind decaf coffee

    247 points • comment • jul 25, 2024

  10. How we sped up Notion in the browser with WASM SQLite

    247 points • comment • jul 12, 2024

  11. How to choose a textbook that is optimal for oneself?

    247 points • comment • jul 20, 2024

  12. X.com refuses to open with Firefox strict tracking protection enabled

    247 points • comment • jul 21, 2024

  13. Mako – fast, production-grade web bundler based on Rust

    246 points • comment • jul 02, 2024

  14. Tao Te Ching translated by Ursula Le Guin (1997)

    246 points • comment • jul 05, 2024

  15. ps aux written in bash without forking

    246 points • comment • jul 29, 2024

  16. The magic of small engineering teams

    246 points • comment • jul 04, 2024

  17. What happened to BERT and T5?

    246 points • comment • jul 19, 2024

  18. No Uptime Hosting (2006)

    245 points • comment • jul 20, 2024

  19. A brief interview with Awk creator Dr. Brian Kernighan (2022)

    245 points • comment • jul 17, 2024

  20. The zombie misconception of theoretical computer science

    244 points • comment • jul 09, 2024

  21. Hash-based bisect debugging in compilers and runtimes

    243 points • comment • jul 18, 2024

  22. A practical introduction to constraint programming using CP-SAT and Python

    242 points • comment • jul 03, 2024

  23. How Olympics officials try to catch “motor doping”

    242 points • comment • jul 23, 2024

  24. Calculating position from raw GPS data (2017)

    242 points • comment • jul 14, 2024

  25. Shelley Duvall has died

    242 points • comment • jul 11, 2024

  26. Trump injured but ‘fine’ after attempted assassination at rally

    242 points • comment • jul 13, 2024

  27. Glisp: Graphical Lisp

    241 points • comment • jul 21, 2024

  28. Optimizing the Lichess Tablebase Server

    240 points • comment • jul 12, 2024

  29. Txtai: Open-source vector search and RAG for minimalists

    240 points • comment • jul 21, 2024

  30. Stripe acquires Lemon Squeezy

    239 points • comment • jul 26, 2024

  31. Peter Buxtun, whistleblower who exposed Tuskegee syphilis study, has died

    239 points • comment • jul 16, 2024

  32. Show HN: Zerox – Document OCR with GPT-mini

    238 points • comment • jul 23, 2024

  33. RouteLLM: A framework for serving and evaluating LLM routers

    238 points • comment • jul 10, 2024

  34. Crafting Interpreters with Rust: On Garbage Collection

    237 points • comment • jul 30, 2024

  35. Attribution is dying, clicks are dying

    237 points • comment • jul 29, 2024

  36. User returns after 100k-hours ban to continue conversation that got them banned

    237 points • comment • jul 21, 2024

  37. Beating the L1 cache with value speculation (2021)

    237 points • comment • jul 11, 2024

  38. Google-Wiz deal fizzles out, company will pursue IPO

    236 points • comment • jul 23, 2024

  39. Z-Library admins "escape house arrest" after judge approves U.S. extradition

    236 points • comment • jul 08, 2024

  40. Finding near-duplicates with Jaccard similarity and MinHash

    235 points • comment • jul 04, 2024

  41. I'm funding Ladybird because I can't fund Firefox

    235 points • comment • jul 07, 2024

  42. Gpu.cpp: A lightweight library for portable low-level GPU computation

    234 points • comment • jul 13, 2024

  43. A Gentle Introduction to SAML

    233 points • comment • jul 22, 2024

  44. Intel vs. Samsung vs. TSMC

    233 points • comment • jul 20, 2024

  45. How CD pregaps gained their hidden track superpowers

    232 points • comment • jul 09, 2024

  46. Show HN: BeaconDB – An Alternative to Mozilla Location Services

    232 points • comment • jul 07, 2024

  47. Teaching general problem-solving skills is not a substitute for teaching math [pdf] (2010)

    232 points • comment • jul 06, 2024

  48. Building and scaling Notion's data lake

    232 points • comment • jul 14, 2024

  49. Real-time audio programming 101: time waits for nothing (2011)

    231 points • comment • jul 09, 2024

  50. Ask HN: How do browsers isolate internal audio from microphone input?

    231 points • comment • jul 09, 2024

  51. A search engine by and for the federal government

    230 points • comment • jul 19, 2024

  52. NASA Graphics Standards Manual (1975)

    230 points • comment • jul 22, 2024

  53. As an Employee, You Are Disposable (2023)

    228 points • comment • jul 12, 2024

  54. Building a data compression utility in Haskell using Huffman codes

    228 points • comment • jul 04, 2024

  55. How great was the Great Oxidation Event?

    228 points • comment • jul 31, 2024

  56. Show HN: I built a tool to expand your network (that introverts will love)

    228 points • comment • jul 23, 2024

  57. Sans-IO: The secret to effective Rust for network services

    228 points • comment • jul 04, 2024

  58. The Engineer’s Guide to Deep Learning: Understanding the Transformer Model

    227 points • comment • jul 16, 2024

  59. Public toilets are vanishing and that's a civic catastrophe

    226 points • comment • jul 20, 2024

  60. Troubleshooting: Terminal Lag

    225 points • comment • jul 30, 2024

  61. The internet is already over (2022)

    225 points • comment • jul 07, 2024

  62. SimSig: Railway Signalling Simulations

    225 points • comment • jul 10, 2024

  63. XLSTMTime: Long-Term Time Series Forecasting with xLSTM

    225 points • comment • jul 16, 2024

  64. Malloc broke Serenity's JPGLoader, or: how to win the lottery (2021)

    224 points • comment • jul 07, 2024

  65. Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing is a dystopian nightmare

    223 points • comment • jul 18, 2024

  66. Unconditional Cash Study: first findings available

    223 points • comment • jul 22, 2024

  67. Korvus: Single-Query RAG with Postgres

    221 points • comment • jul 11, 2024

  68. Binance built a 100PB log service with Quickwit

    220 points • comment • jul 11, 2024

  69. Was the Internet created to survive a nuclear strike? (2022)

    220 points • comment • jul 30, 2024

  70. Learning about PCI-e: Driver and DMA

    220 points • comment • jul 27, 2024

  71. Defense of Lisp macros: The automotive field as a case in point

    219 points • comment • jul 25, 2024

  72. A multimodal dataset with one trillion tokens

    219 points • comment • jul 24, 2024

  73. Gene-silencing tool shows promise as a future therapy against prion diseases

    219 points • comment • jul 11, 2024

  74. My favorite tools and techniques for procedural gamedev

    218 points • comment • jul 28, 2024

  75. What "consent" looks like for the DEA and TSA

    217 points • comment • jul 24, 2024

  76. Phish-friendly domain registry ".top" put on notice

    217 points • comment • jul 24, 2024

  77. Japan introduces enormous humanoid robot to maintain train lines

    217 points • comment • jul 04, 2024

  78. When ChatGPT summarises, it does nothing of the kind

    216 points • comment • jul 21, 2024

  79. The secret of Minecraft (2014)

    216 points • comment • jul 24, 2024

  80. From Linux to NetBSD, with SSH Only

    216 points • comment • jul 23, 2024

  81. Aro – Zig's new C compiler

    216 points • comment • jul 20, 2024

  82. Tritone Substitutions

    215 points • comment • jul 27, 2024

  83. The rise of the camera launched a fight to protect Gilded Age privacy

    215 points • comment • jul 15, 2024

  84. Scaling One Million Checkboxes to 650M checks

    214 points • comment • jul 26, 2024

  85. No one expects young men to do anything and they respond by doing nothing (2022)

    214 points • comment • jul 22, 2024

  86. Zed Editor automatically downloads binaries and NPM packages without consent

    214 points • comment • jul 08, 2024

  87. Construction of the AT&T Long Lines "Cheshire" underground site

    213 points • comment • jul 31, 2024

  88. Guide to attending a space launch in person

    213 points • comment • jul 07, 2024

  89. General Theory of Neural Networks

    213 points • comment • jul 11, 2024

  90. A free tool to quickly detect counterfeit flash (2017)

    213 points • comment • jul 23, 2024

  91. How to build highly-debuggable C++ binaries

    212 points • comment • jul 26, 2024

  92. Mechanical computer relies on kirigami cubes, not electronics

    212 points • comment • jul 04, 2024

  93. Iconography of the X Window System: The Boot Stipple

    211 points • comment • jul 11, 2024

  94. Tabloid: A clickbait headline programming language (2021)

    211 points • comment • jul 15, 2024

  95. Code reviews do find bugs

    211 points • comment • jul 01, 2024

  96. Reverse-Engineering an IP Camera (2019)

    211 points • comment • jul 17, 2024

  97. StreamPot: Run FFmpeg as an API with fluent-FFmpeg compatibility, queues and S3

    211 points • comment • jul 28, 2024

  98. No reasonable expectation of privacy in one's Google location data

    210 points • comment • jul 14, 2024

  99. SnowflakeOS: Beginner friendly and GUI focused NixOS variant

    210 points • comment • jul 31, 2024

  100. ML Code Exercises

    209 points • comment • jul 10, 2024