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Hacker News (03 Sep 2024)

  1. Is My Blue Your Blue?

    1413 points • 522 comments • sep 03, 2024

  2. Greppability is an underrated code metric

    1212 points • 607 comments • sep 03, 2024

  3. EUCLEAK Side-Channel Attack on the YubiKey 5 Series

    705 points • 277 comments • sep 03, 2024

  4. The Engineering of Landfills

    501 points • 309 comments • sep 03, 2024

  5. Mapping 20k ships that sank during WW II

    440 points • 185 comments • sep 03, 2024

  6. Synchronizing Pong to music with constrained optimization

    314 points • 36 comments • sep 03, 2024

  7. IPMI

    274 points • 116 comments • sep 03, 2024

  8. LSP: The good, the bad, and the ugly

    273 points • 89 comments • sep 03, 2024

  9. Steve Ballmer's incorrect binary search interview question

    253 points • 230 comments • sep 03, 2024

  10. Why bother with argv[0]?

    247 points • 239 comments • sep 03, 2024