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Reddit (04 Sep 2018)

  1. Toddler shows his buddy that a sprinkler is nothing to be afraid of

    88135 upvotes • 664 comments • sep 04, 2018

  2. My Grandpa turned 100 last week. He stayed up until midnight to see off the last century on his flip phone.

    81726 upvotes • 1084 comments • sep 04, 2018

  3. Came across a 10 year old photo that had my brothers ex wife in it and my ex in it. Instead of deleting it I “fixed” it.

    80788 upvotes • 1145 comments • sep 04, 2018

  4. US nurse discovers colleague doctor was premature baby she cared for 28 years ago.

    79971 upvotes • 879 comments • sep 04, 2018

  5. Let’s just keep ignoring this WCGW?

    79922 upvotes • 483 comments • sep 04, 2018

  6. Canadian (left) and American(right) firefighters meet at the border while fighting the horns mountain fire

    79905 upvotes • 1789 comments • sep 04, 2018

  7. Unusual pool dive

    69240 upvotes • 1260 comments • sep 04, 2018

  8. The EU and national funders launch a plan to make all publicly funded research available for free instead of scientific publications hiding it behind their pay walls.

    65747 upvotes • 1248 comments • sep 04, 2018

  9. She accidentally joined my GTA golf game, one bad joke and a few months later I made the trip from California to Australia. Sometimes they actually are girls.

    64870 upvotes • 1655 comments • sep 04, 2018

  10. If someone made a 8 hour movie, no one would watch because it's too long. Take the same movie and break it into 8 episodes, people would watch it straight through.

    63161 upvotes • 1411 comments • sep 04, 2018