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Reddit (27 Jan 2019)

  1. Margaret Hamilton, NASA's lead software engineer for the Apollo Program, stands next to the code she wrote by hand that took Humanity to the moon in 1969.

    116271 upvotes • 2640 comments • jan 27, 2019

  2. Jimmy Carter everybody.

    113972 upvotes • 2627 comments • jan 27, 2019

  3. TIL that a depressed Manchester teen used several fake online personas to convince his best friend to murder him, and after surviving the attack, he became the first person in UK history to be charged with inciting their own murder.

    110976 upvotes • 2128 comments • jan 27, 2019

  4. Words of reassurance left for an elderly lady with dementia by her daughter. A simple white board left in her sight line in her sitting room. Helped to reduce constant anxious phone calls.

    103661 upvotes • 2052 comments • jan 27, 2019

  5. A golf game for people who hate golf! - Worked on it for two years

    96105 upvotes • 1803 comments • jan 27, 2019

  6. Here is my wife thinking she is surprising me, scraping snow off my car, after a 12 hour night shift at the hospital. I'm a lucky fella.

    94846 upvotes • 1465 comments • jan 27, 2019

  7. Abusers Protect Abusers

    91355 upvotes • 2218 comments • jan 27, 2019

  8. If you are alone when you crack open a peanut shell and eat the peanut inside, you are the only person in the world to have ever seen that peanut.

    87137 upvotes • 1433 comments • jan 27, 2019

  9. The real wonder woman.

    82093 upvotes • 1904 comments • jan 27, 2019

  10. You could throw a rock into a lake and be the last person to ever touch that rock until the end of time

    79893 upvotes • 1339 comments • jan 27, 2019