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Reddit (01 Apr 2019)

  1. TIL when Robert Ballard (professor of oceanography) announced a mission to find the Titanic, it was a cover story for a classified mission to search for lost nuclear submarines. They finished before they were due back, so the team spent the extra time looking for the Titanic and actually found it.

    97605 upvotes • 1525 comments • apr 01, 2019

  2. Little Mac met Mike Tyson today!

    82818 upvotes • 787 comments • apr 01, 2019

  3. I thought you guys might appreciate how Atlas acts when I change his bandana.

    80751 upvotes • 2070 comments • apr 01, 2019

  4. TIL The original word for 'bear' has been lost. People in middle ages were superstitious and thought saying the animal's name would summon it. They called it 'bear' which means 'the brown one' to avoid saying its actual name.

    80053 upvotes • 2669 comments • apr 01, 2019

  5. In the 90s, we were taught to use plastic instead of paper to save the rainforest from deforestation. Now we're taught to use paper instead of plastic to save the ocean from pollution.

    79763 upvotes • 2627 comments • apr 01, 2019

  6. Kids shows led us to believe the Mayor of your city was way more important and much more common to see around town than they are.

    78953 upvotes • 1937 comments • apr 01, 2019

  7. April fools idea from Utah DOT

    77216 upvotes • 1543 comments • apr 01, 2019

  8. Carefully, he’s a hero

    69075 upvotes • 1493 comments • apr 01, 2019

  9. Every month I guess date night. Today my fiance threw me off and told me to dress in my best outfit. Now we feast on Taco Bell.

    64486 upvotes • 1655 comments • apr 01, 2019

  10. "I don't know, Pidgey. I guess they just thought my textures were more important than yours".

    64059 upvotes • 643 comments • apr 01, 2019