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Reddit (06 Apr 2019)

  1. This is Gary Christenson, Mayor of Malden, Massachusetts. He mostly walks to all his appointments and picks up trash every day as he goes (at least one small bag-full per day). He has been in office over 3,000 days so I’m pretty sure this qualifies as a #trashtag.

    102434 upvotes • 1352 comments • apr 06, 2019

  2. Playing the shell game with a mountain lion

    98583 upvotes • 1971 comments • apr 06, 2019

  3. Rhino poacher trampled to death by elephant; remains eaten by lions

    87660 upvotes • 3249 comments • apr 06, 2019

  4. Rhino Poacher Trampled By An Elephant And Then Eaten By Lions

    86715 upvotes • 3460 comments • apr 06, 2019

  5. It scares me how realistic Cities: Skylines is

    78500 upvotes • 1221 comments • apr 06, 2019

  6. We have a really small radiator in our house.

    78192 upvotes • 1612 comments • apr 06, 2019

  7. TIL There is a group of wolves in British Columbia known as "sea wolves" and 90% of their food comes from the sea. They have distinct DNA that sets them apart from interior wolves and they're entirely dedicated to the sea, swimming several miles everyday in search of seafood.

    76584 upvotes • 1751 comments • apr 06, 2019

  8. My husband with his latest painting, I've waited 13 years for him to paint elephants!

    75029 upvotes • 1036 comments • apr 06, 2019

  9. TIL Kim Kardashian was paid to post a selfie on Instagram and Twitter advertising a pharmaceutical product. Sent to 42 million followers on Instagram and 32 million on Twitter, this illegal advertisement did not contain any risk information or language specifying that it was a paid endorsement.

    74937 upvotes • 2534 comments • apr 06, 2019

  10. TIL many people believed Abraham Lincoln was ugly, including himself. Once, when he was accused of being “two-faced” during a debate, he replied, “If I had two faces, would I be showing you this one?”

    72542 upvotes • 2000 comments • apr 06, 2019