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Reddit (02 Sep 2019)

  1. A man in India protesting for better roads..

    121842 upvotes • 1497 comments • sep 02, 2019

  2. Scared cat gets saved by two French guys

    113649 upvotes • 1820 comments • sep 02, 2019

  3. They have learned rather quickly that I provide breakfast on a regular schedule. Was 5 mins late and got told for it.

    99686 upvotes • 1240 comments • sep 02, 2019

  4. In the past week, my dog of 14 years died, I’ve been sick, my dad had emergency heart surgery, and this is what I woke up to on my day off.

    84251 upvotes • 2019 comments • sep 02, 2019

  5. It's never just about a cake

    82103 upvotes • 4140 comments • sep 02, 2019

  6. Theories as to why we have not yet made alien contact

    76747 upvotes • 3499 comments • sep 02, 2019

  7. This is why Reddit is better

    76701 upvotes • 544 comments • sep 02, 2019

  8. TIL that Saturns’ rings are, cosmically speaking, a very brief event. We are about halfway through their 200 million year lifespan and are very lucky as a species to be alive to witness them. “Some velociraptor with a telescope looking at Saturn would not have seen rings.”

    73347 upvotes • 1284 comments • sep 02, 2019

  9. In 1964, Ringo Starr snapped a photo of some high school students who skipped class to see the Beatles during their first trip to the US. The group had no idea the photo existed until Ringo published his book of photos. Nearly 50 years later, the group reunited and recreated the photo.

    72866 upvotes • 809 comments • sep 02, 2019

  10. It's ironic that most office jobs give their employees labor day off, but jobs that are actually physically labor intensive (construction, cooking etc) are hit or miss and usually don't

    70654 upvotes • 2734 comments • sep 02, 2019