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Reddit (22 Sep 2024)

  1. How the syrup flows down the flan

    60623 upvotes • 505 comments • sep 22, 2024

  2. This kid caught a Vulture thinking it was a chicken.

    59450 upvotes • 1978 comments • sep 22, 2024

  3. Finished the Colosseum and somebody moved in!!

    46462 upvotes • 384 comments • sep 22, 2024

  4. My GF Washing her 17-yo chihuahua

    44757 upvotes • 713 comments • sep 22, 2024

  5. Microwaved a Smucker’s Uncrustable for 15 seconds and got a 2nd degree burn.

    39507 upvotes • 3875 comments • sep 22, 2024

  6. This is true.

    37152 upvotes • 489 comments • sep 22, 2024

  7. Catherine tried to adopt a cat.

    31544 upvotes • 844 comments • sep 22, 2024

  8. Apple got the idea of a desktop interface from Xerox. Later, Steve Jobs accused Bill Gates of stealing the idea from Apple. Gates said,"Well, Steve, it's like we both had this wealthy neighbor named Xerox. I broke into his house to steal the TV, only to find out you had already taken it."

    29453 upvotes • 687 comments • sep 22, 2024

  9. In 2012, French beekeepers were confused by blue and green honey appearing in their hives, until they realized the bees had been visiting a nearby M&M factory.

    25604 upvotes • 342 comments • sep 22, 2024

  10. Dropped off my baby to get my brakes changed. Got these pictures texted to me.

    22190 upvotes • 1360 comments • sep 22, 2024